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___ About Synreal

This is the Public Netbase game and ressouce page for Synreal/Unreal content.

You will find levels/sound/texture packs for download that are running on the Synreal Server- as well as related material to building your own worlds with the Unreal engine.

You are encouraged to submit your original material and your own levels (no unreal textures or sounds please!) and we are looking for game designers and programmers willing to cooperate on projects for Synreal.


© 1998 Public Netbase t0

The copyright of this project and artwork is owned by public netbase t0.
All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved.
Unauthorised copying and hiring (except the downloads) is prohibited

Idea and concept developed in Vienna, Austria by Public Netbase t0
Webinterface and design by Christian Hessle

Public Netbase t0 Media~Space!
Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien
Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Wien
fon: +43 1 5221834
fax: +43 1 5225058